After much thought....
I figured out how to fix it to keep it from "jumping" over the hydro-lock, and blasting the rods to pieces.
So....When the new one is finished, I'll go out there (even if I have to rent a sled) and get pictures of it, and even videos of it in action.
When I Do video this device in action, I WILL NOT show my face in the video, but I do promise that more than 1 angle will be shown, and that 6 or more angles PROVING without stopping and starting the tape, that with an "uncut" walk-around PROVING that it is NOT powered by a stream, wind, electric motor, and so on and yadda forth.
I have provided the gentleman with CAD drawings of how to remedy the problem, and once it works, I will be getting video footage of it in action. It will be converted and put on a major video site such as YouTube or what-not. I will also send a copy to RexResearch for his publications. the guy building this doesn't care if the technology is spread out, as I quote "simply doesn't give a flying F*** what the world thinks, it NEEDS to be done and I'm tired of buying fuel oil at almost twenty dollars per gallon!!!
So, with his permission he has invited me out once it is completed, to video tape it running. There is no time schedule, it is as his funds permit, he is NOT allowing ANYONE to donate, or give funds or materials, as this would be grounds for credit robbing, or grounds for wanting a piece of it, or wanting pieces of it dismantled.
So I would kindly ask for those who wish to have evidence of a WORKING gravity engine to be patient, to not try to bully the information out, but wait and you will have MORE THAN enough information to do it yourselves once he finished it and it is working. there is one catch....IF it doesn't work, then no video. IF it DOES work, then yes there will be video.