I have had people talk over me before. I have had people say stuff so nutty that I did not know rather it was over my head or below my knees. But I think I have this guy pegged. He has a BS in BS. About 25% of what he says makes sence to him. And that is when he is actually on task, and not "Talking around the question at hand!!".
I beleive that Joe Cells may work. I beleive he may have created the technology. However, I do not beleive that he understands why they work. "Frequencies" does make sence. Water to Alcohol. Please No way. Wikipedia the two, no carbon in water.
The rattlesnake magnets. WOW.. Okay then cut me a cross out of a magnet. OOps there are 14 poles. All N. and S. only on different axis. Take a look at a magnetic cube. it has 6poles. 3n. and 3s. This shows his lack of understanding in his own technology. How did he stumble across this find? I only wish that every time he was confused or baffled he would admit it. Making crap up is only going to further discredit this device.
I am a christian. However this technology does not work because we have willed it to. That answer will not due. And as for the unfinished story of the water to wine. Pretty acurate,, however where was he going with that. I wish he could stay on task. His rambling is what makes him and his device seem rediculous to some.
Now that I am done griping go to