From Yahoo evgray group. Mesg #12652
i have just returned fom a visit with 'joe' of the joe cell,
or 'cosmic cell','frequency generator' as he calls it.
i have some new tech for ALL to report, (joe's method to get power
from a patato! LOOPED!!) EASY TO TEST...and also some footage of him
showing me un conventional stuff with electricity, also we got some
footage for the grant stratgey for the R and D centre (60 minutes
the purpose of me going down there was to get him to light him up
some water, to prove and substaciate that, there is an energy source
present in in the water capaple of driving a car etc. I felt unless
there was extensive testing facilities that there would be too much
de bunker material in just running a normnal engine on the cell.
as we are only really in the 'back yard
couldent get any water lit up, as joe didnt have any charged water or
cells on the premisis [we took ours but ill explain later], so we got
the next best thing, footage which gives validation and credability
to him 'joe' in other words a demonstration of joe doing some
thing 'out there' or 'wierd' and explaining it, so it looks like he
knows what he is talking about, thus they wont be as skeptical about
the joe cell car and water footage we didnt film on our media script
we have 4 hours of DVD quality filming for both the MEDIA script and
the gang [educational EYE opening]. just need to edit it as some dont
want their faces on the world wide web, and will upload ASAP it for
some personal stuff..., i weas PISSED OFF to learn that joe doesent
offer ANY part of the JC technology any more, they [cartels] have
backed him into a corner and he is un enthused/scared of some thing
happening to him, plus he also 'toys' around with INFOMAITON on how
to run the cells [gives vague deails] and could be more objective and
do more to get the JC tech out there [to save the planet], IE- take
measures to protect himself and familiy, and tell his secrets some
i rationalise this emerically from present examples related to the
i was with SOL in Joe's house , sol is from byron new energy group
[which now has new updated cell info form our visit with joe check it
out[kumaran as your questions were answered there] Byron new energy
is part of whom in conjunction with byron new energy have
offered the potencial land for the centre[s] for FREE, [centre is a
reality now].
Sol from byron new energy was published in byron bay's [australia]
local NEWS paper as having his car running on the joe cell, yet why
isnt he dead?
ill tell YOU why..
joe is not really that smart,[sorry to say it] he doesent relaise
that public exposure is what TWARTS LOOPED TECH, and OU TECH. THEY
of the tech.[if they come forward they acknowledge they are guilty of
supression] .
the suppression of devices and LIST of dead inventors is too big now,
this is what we will present on 60 minutes, to appeal to the
philanthropic groups [as they address hardship] to grant this area of
finally H can give us the PM RV
public exposure is the key to OU TECH [public axcess and security as
the centre will create].. AND IS IS WHAT your DAM CENTRE WILL HAVE,
PUBLIC SECURITY AND axcess to the tech, both at the faculty level and
manufacture leval, and RESOURCED leval [OPEN SOURCED], SO WE CAN
SPEND MONEY ON KIDS , not this tech.
if im wrong why isnt SOL DEAD? the NEWSPAPER caption reads 'sols
claims car runs on water'.[OVER A YEAR AGO].basically i got the
impression that joe simply 'couldent be fucked' (auzzie slang)
he gives you clues, (teases) and is also a religious NUT, i had to
sit through FOUR HOURS, of how the dam joe cell is in the bible, and
if we built one in the centre the establishment would light the
bubbles and blow all our arses to dust, as in HIS interpretation of
the bible..[just his fear of us putting his life at risk (not
rational at all)]
that book has really goto go lol, .IM SICK OF RELIGOUS BULLSHIT..i
heard all this ...shit about gods number and all this religious
shit!!!!, [useless] didnt have the heart to tell him he was speaking
to a nihilist (p[h]un intended)
he has his own kinky!!! interpretation of the bible [like the rest of
the sheeple].. and all these codes, 444 (earth) 777(god) and some
other CRAP. [sorry for lanuage]
so it wasent that INSPIRING in the long run, [especially for me , as
I SLEEP EAT And shit this life for the centre]
but WE got the goods and what we needed, [FOOTAGE TO BENEFIT
HUMANITY ] i was dissapointed to see and be in the pressance of a
MAN? who holds ONE of the keys which can potencially reform our
lives,FREEDOM (joe cell tech) and basically have to hear that he is
turning his back on humanity, he simply gave me the impression that
he couldent really care less about what is around him [out side
world], as long as his own back yard isnt effected.[self obsorbed, or
TV, supermarket, ECT ECT
dissapointing my brothers, [for me personally sorry to say] so i had
to have a few beers and chased some woman upon returning (always gets
my mind off bad things, phil taught me this LOL...
dont get the wrong idea, ITS ALL GOOD, i stated to joe that when the
cente is granted and after we present the devices on 60 minutes
[SECURITY OF BEING IN THE PUBLIC EYE] he is welcome to come down to
the centre and CONTRIBUTE, he smiled at me and shook my hand, and
said you can take my input and do what ever you want , and supported
i should of kidnapped his arse, i said i was THERE at his house
because of..then pointed to his CHILD BABY photo on the wall, so i
think i have built REAl rapport with him, he is a very strange man,
not like H LOL, really strange...
he asked me WHY, i was doing what i was doing, i simply stated, Just
out of sheer altruism to my fellow human being who i want to save and
LOVE and I FEEL is as lonely and caring and who would get liberation
by the collective humanity we all can be [consolidated]
JOE said some thing must have happened to you as a child,i said yes
it was a selfish incident, and my family is shyte etc, he said..
well who helped you when this happened, and so why should you help got a bit crazy man, im glad i have beer and pussy to
come down [just like philly LOL, LOL]
also...he isnt a very nice person deep down, he zaped me with
electricty form car a few times LOL, i nearly felt like beating the
shit out of him [ he was trying to prove a point watch the vid]
also he showed us where the postive is on your body and more kinky
stuff and how rubber is not an insulator, plus other anomolies...okay
thats enough of my bullshit for now.. will get the info together plus
i have have RV film script work to re do
ash out