Yes I've read about orgone on the Joe Cell groups, and a book by Reich,
but i guess I just don't buy the explanation. I really think he was simply
describing static electricity. His cloud-busters just pulled the sky charges
down and grounded them to flowing water, kinda like lightening rods.
Sure water particles will levitate if they get the same charge as the earth
along with dust particles. Schauburger pulled some kind of diamagnetic
charge into his vortical pipes that were reported to levitate, and he got
some kind of cold electricity from them, as Joe claims to've pulled off from
upper tubes of his charged cells. I think this cold electricity is a static
electricity phenomenon. Tesla and Gray produced it too, by other
methods. I think 'orgone' draws too much mysticism into the brew; could
be true, but not necessary to explain a device. An orgone accumulator
could just be an ambient, concentric capacitor, drawing in static from
higher outer potential, to the lower potential center, and polarizing the
layers it passes through. And i think the reliability of the J-Cell might be
improved by trying a better dielectric than water.
Full-time energy researcher who (financially) supports others? Oh Yeah?
Send me an email with all the juicy details, who your backers are, what
they look for and what they expect. <thrival at graffiti dot net>

of energy that prevents cells from working? Seriously, Bearden says
our brains are bi-hemishere, bicameral interferometers that can
literally send energy to or remove energy from a place or person.
Anyone with even the most callous sensitivity can feel this "empowering"
or "disempowering" effect from certain people. Jesus said he couldn't
heal people in certain towns because their hearts were hard. Not too
often "God" admits he "can't" do something.
I've yet to review all the Joe Cell vids but they're pretty damn interesting.
I still don't see any financial gain Joe is trying to obtain, or reason to
mislead. I think there are probably much better ways to charge water,
even to the point of levitation (per Schauburger.) Only people willing to
consider something as possible, and who persist, get anywhere. Scoffers
really can be literal dead weight, if their energy is heavier than we hope
to achieve. Maybe the solution is to "lighten up." That's where all this
terrorism talk really is a crime against aspiring human spirits, a downer,
as it were; to ascend, be positive., etc., etc.,
If energy isn't free, then man can never be. (a thrivalism)