A Little Humor, once in a while...

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A Little Humor, once in a while...

Postby gas-mechanic » Thu Oct 12, 2006 8:43 am

A panda walks into a bar and orders a sandwich.

He eats the sandwich and shoots the waiter. Then he starts to leave.

The bar tender shouts, "Where you going?"

The panda shouts, "I'm a panda; look it up in the dictionary!"

The bartender walks to a dictionary and looks up "panda".
It says "panda - noun. - a Tree dwelling animal that eats shoots and leaves."

- 'Electro-mechanic' and I are no-longer working on our project!
Bob (c)¿(c)¬
bobd441 at adelphia dot net
The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity.
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